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What Kind of Bride Are We?
by Stella Paterson
If today the trump were to sound
Are we really sure we’d be Heaven-bound?
With a robe of righteousness we need be clothed
For the Lamb’s Book of Life will not be closed.
God gave us the Lamb, His Son, to atone
So that in His righteousness and not our own
On this earth we have abundant Life;
Then on that Glorious Day we’ll be the Bridegroom’s wife.
Not our works, but His mercy says whether or not
We are part of the Church without wrinkle or spot.
In our walk each day do we forgive and love
As our Bridegroom patiently waits up above?
Do our lives speak of love so the world can hear it?
Or do we walk in the flesh and not in the Spirit?
When God the Father says “My Son, here’s your bride,”
Will we hang our heads, run, and try to hide
Because of our works we are mighty proud
And over-affection for this life we’ve allowed?
We know not at all the time or the day
So let’s walk in the Spirit and give love away.
Let’s fully surrender, letting Jesus be Lord
So each day with others we’re in one accord.
And when we leave this earth at the trumpet sound
Not a stain, but only pure hearts will be found.
For our Glorious Bridegroom is longing to see...
WAIT! Let’s ask ourselves, “What kind of Bride are we?”
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